ISS Audio files
WAV and MP3 Audio file recordings of ISS Amateur Radio communications
Recordings from 2007
5, 2007 Astronaut Clayton Anderson talking
to students at the Gail Borden Public Library, Elgin, Illinois,
USA. The downlink from ISS was on 145.800 mHz FM. Clayton said,
"I am trying to set the record for the most school contacts on the Ham
radio by an expedition crew member so we are working our way that way. I only
have about 5 or 6 more to go." (2.0
meg, 8k sample, RT 5 minutes)
29, 16:10 - 16:17 UTC Astronaut Clayton Anderson talking
to Ashland Greenwood High School, Ashland,
Nebraska USA. The downlink from ISS was on 145.800 mHz FM. (2.0
meg, 8k sample, RT 4 minutes)
July 25, 2007 Astronaut Clayton Anderson talking to a school. After the school link, Clayton switched to the public channel and talked to two Amateur Radio Stations, Rich W1STT New Hampshire and WF1F Miles in Boston Mass. The downlink from ISS was on 145.800 mHz FM. (4.2 meg, 8k sample, RT 8 minutes)
May 9th, 2007 Astronaut Sunita (Sunny) Williams. Sunny ran the Boston Marathon from the Space Station's Tread Mill. Random Public contact with WF1F Miles in Boston Mass. The downlink from ISS was on 145.800 mHz FM. (1.5 meg, 12k sample, RT 2 minutes)
Recordings from 2003
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